• Skin Assessment

    This OASIS-E training video presents what clinicians should note on any patient presentation with active risk for skin integrity.

  • Stasis Ulcers Documentation

    In this presentation, we will learn about the risk factors for developing venous ulcers, also known as stasis ulcers and the OASIS-E skilled nursing documentation needs on stasis ulcers. This presentation also discusses in detail on how to answer the mandatory questions related to stasis ulcers- M1330, M1332 & M1334.

  • Wound Care Documentation

    In this presentation, we will learn about the wounds,  wound care documentation, healing stages of the wounds, how to answer the mandatory questions on the integumentary section of the OASIS which are related to surgical wounds. This presentation also discusses the mandatory questions related to wound care – M1340 & M1342.

  • Pressure Ulcer Documentation

    A brief discussion on pressure ulcers, risk factors for pressure ulcer development, grading of pressure ulcers, and guidelines for documentation is presented here for your reference. Also, the presentation discusses in detail on how to answer M1306, M1307, M1311, M1322 & M1324 which are the mandatory question on OASIS E for pressure ulcers.

  • Hearing Speech and Vision Documentation

    In this video presentation, we will learn how to answer the OASIS questions related to Hearing, Speech and Vision- B0200, B1000, B1300,

  • Neurological Evaluation- Cognitive Patterns

    This OASIS-E training video discusses various aspects of cognitive ability, such as, alertness & concentration, orientation with time, place, person, and situation, memory, decision making, and ability to make sound judgment including basic BIMS interview instructions that assess cognitive function, and the Brief Interview for Mental Status (BIMS) and Signs and Symptoms of Delirium from CAM©

    This OASIS-E training video also provides guidance on items C0100, C0200, C0300, C0400, C0500, C1310, M1700 & M1710 related to Neurological Evaluation- Cognitive Patterns.

  • Neurological Evaluation Mood And Behavior

    This presentation involves checking an individual on various aspects of anxiety and mood disorders as requested on the recently updated version of patient assessment form, OASIS-E. We also discuss the following mandatory questions in this presentation-M1720, D0150, D0160, D0700, M1740, & M1745.

  • Musculoskeletal Documentation Part 1

    Though musculoskeletal system significantly falls into the therapy area, a basic assessment could be done by an RN to complete the OASIS assessment. Skilled nursing evaluation of the patient should always justify and support any therapy services being requested. Apart from answering the mandatory questions on OASIS E, on the musculoskeletal section of OASIS, RN should always evaluate and document some primary information regarding the patient, such as, patient presentation, physical limitations if any, ambulatory status, gait patterns, compromised balance, use of any assistive device and compliance with the device, hand dominance, grip strength, safety issues in the dwelling, any recent falls, and factors contributing to falls. We will discuss each of these topics in this video presentation.

  • Musculoskeletal Documentation Part 2

    In this presentation, we will discuss the following mandatory questions related to the Musculoskeletal documentation- M1800, M1810, M1820, M1830, M1840, M1845, M1850 & M1860. The M questions on this section check for the patient’s current ability to safely perform the tasks addressed for the question on the day of assessment. These questions consider the level of patient independence and caregiver dependence for safe performance of the said task.

  • Musculoskeletal Documentation Part 3

    The Improving Medicare Post-Acute Care Transformation Act or IMPACT Act was signed into Law in 2014. The IMPACT Act requires assessment data to be standardized and interoperable to allow for exchange of data among various post-acute care providers. Section GG on the musculoskeletal part of OASIS was introduced to meet this intent of IMPACT act. In this presentation, we will discuss the implementation of section GG Functional Abilities and Goals. This presentation also discusses the following mandatory questions related to GG section- GG0100, GG0110, GG0130 & GG0170.